How OneNote delete a “Content Not Yet Available” page?...
Deleted sticky notes in OneNote can't be retrieved....
OneNote has 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2021, UWP, 2024 versions in Windows system....
History of Microsoft 365 (Formerly Office 365). MS 365 not necessarily Include the Office Desktop Version...
OneNote Data be Cleared after Graduate...
How to clear the notebooks with duplicate names in OneNote?...
Why does text copied from OneNote become an image when pasted into other app?...
How big is the storage space of Sticky Notes in OneNote?...
A new PC that opens Web OneNote (OneNote Online) from the Microsoft 365 (Office) app....
If youre seeing the 0xE0000025 error code, OneNote cant sync one or more large files because theyre over the current size limit. If youre syncing to OneDrive, the limit for each file is 2GB. On SharePoint, this limit varies from server to se...
Why OneDrive Still Show Quota Exceeded when I've already deleted all Its Files?...
Microsoft 365 (Office) App Supports Launching Various OneNote Apps...
Question: In OneNote, when I try to open a hyperlink, a windows open telling me, Your organizations policies are preventing us from completing this action for you. For more info, please contact your help desk. I cannot open any hyperlink in...
On October 14 2025 Microsoft will retire Office 2016 and Office 2019...
The free version of OneNote doesn't have the ability to spreadsheets and export to Word documents....
How to Add and Open the OneNote Feed in the Edge Sidebar?...
OneNote doesn't have subsections, you can only create sub section groups....
How to Download and Install 32-bit Adobe Acrobat Reader?...
Delete a shared OneNote notebook from someone in
In the Microsoft Store settings, turn off the auto-update apps....
Remove myself from a shared OneNote notebook in
Microsoft Delete the Account of OneNote Note, Do the Notes He Shared with Me Still Exist?...
To view historical versions of Word document on
How to Ignore the SmartScreen Filter in Windows 10 and Install Unrecognized Apps...
How to Save or Export Page with Rule Lines or Grid Lines in OneNote?...
In OneNote, create a link to a phone number that you can dial...
How to Stop the Windows Screen from Scaling and Revert to 100% Screen Layout?...
OneNote notebooks saved in OneDrive or SharePoint are limited to 2GB...
OneNote a Single Section or Page isn’t Sync...
Commands for OneNote Dictate: Add Punctuatation, Navigate Around the Page, Enter Special Characters...
Copy from Sticky Note and Paste to OneNote can maintain the format....
Starting in 2022, both Office 365 and the Click-to-Run version of OneNote are no longer supported for installation on Windows 7....
Windows Ink does not turn on, resulting in no pressure sensation on the Graphics Tablet on OneNote....
How to install the XPS Viewer app to view xps or oxps files on Windows 10?...
Create OneNote notebook locally and cloud at the same time....
Comparison of the Differences between OneNote 2021 and OneNote UWP...
Microsoft Mac Office Remove License Tool Download...
Use OneNote by installing Microsoft Teams in Linux....
You can modify the name of a OneNote notebook in the properties of a OneNote 2021 notebook....
OneNote download from installed in Win10 can create local notebooks....
No Other OneNote (Android, IPhone, IPad, Mac, Win10) Can Open Local Notebooks Except OneNote 2016...
Synchronized notebook name by modifying the notebook name in the, and then reopening the notebook on the OneNote app....
OneNote 2021 can only be installed on Windows 10, 11....
Add number in front of the section group name to sort the OneNote section groups....
OneNote just support 2 level subpages. use section groups instead...
When OneNote sets the default font, it only works for new OneNote pages....
Deleted notebooks, be sure to clear from the Recently Used Notebooks list in Windows Office OneNote 2016, and they will disappear from the list of more notebooks in OneNote of other platforms....
List the website can embed content into OneNote....
See and compare the feature differences between OneNote and OneNote Class Notebook across different devices and platforms....
In the print window, specify which PDF pages are imported into OneNote....
Set the default font, font size, and only be valid for newly created pages....
Press Ctrl+A more than once to increase the scope of the selection in OneNote....
Some new OneNote pages could not be found due to a problem with Microsoft server
On March 15, 2020, Office 365 or Office 2019 was installed, and OneNote 2016 was also installed...
Printout is a Reason of OneNote Sync Slowly...
Question: How do I copy a webp-format picture from my browser and paste it into OneNote? Answer: OneNote itself does not support webp image. If you copy a picture in webp image from Chrome, then Ctrl-V pastes it directly into OneNote. It is...
Question: Drawing and handwriting are often used. How do I quickly switch back from a handwritten state to a text entry state? Does it has a shortcut? Answer: The keyboard shortcut to switch back to text input state from drawing handwriting...
Question: I started editing and tweaking some things just as a house-cleaning type thing. Anyways, whenever I minimize the OneNote and bring it back up all my text disappears and only comes back once I highlight whatever the text was. It...
Press ALT+=, and then type the equation. Type equations in linear format To align an equation array, you can use @ and , as in the following: eqarray(x+1=2@1+2+3+y=z@3/x=6)space which resolves to this: Examples: Example Linear format Built-...
We can use Ctrl+V to paste web page to OneNote. Sometimes, we just want paste web page and keep text only to OneNote. It is possible using keyboard shortcut to paste web page as plain text to OneNote. Keyboard Shortcut to Paste Plain Text T...
Question: How do you hold the text boxes in OneNote, so that they are not moved by mouse? Answer: In OneNote, you can drag and drop the top bar of the text box (container) to move the text box. OneNote dont provide an option to hold a te...
The nonsense of not being able to password protect entire notebooks, only sections, is well known. Whilst testing the free version to see if it meets my needs, I found some alarming loopholes in the section protection. It appears that ri...
Question: Where is the save button, What is the keyboard shortcut of save in OneNote? Answer: There is no Save button in OneNote. But, OneNote provide Save Keyboard shortcut. OneNote save keyboard shortcut is: Ctrl + S While OneNote is runn...
Question: From 2017.8.1, All OneNote clients cannot sign in, or cannot create notebooks, or cannot create sections. The issue I have is that I cant seem to create new notebooks on my Lenovo Yoga 300. I click on create notebook and fill i...
Question: How did you paste to OneNote and keep text only as the default when you press Ctrl+V? Answer: Yes. But, this setting is more subtle. Setting Steps: Step 1: Paste Anywhere Press Ctrl+V in OneNote page, a float tools Paste Options w...
Question: I cannot find any backup or export feature in my OneNote. How to backup notebooks from OneDrive? Answer: OneNote for Windows 8, OneNote for Windows 10, OneNote for Mac, OneNote for IPad, OneNote for IPhone, OneNote for Android, On...
Question: Why do I write my handwriting in OneNote, and I find that the Ink to Text feature in the Draw tab is grayed out? Unable to click. Answer: The Ink to Text in Draw tab is use to convert handwriting to text. The reason is OneNote wro...
Question: Why click the Back Up All Notebooks Now button in Save Backup in OneNote Options window, it does nothing? OneNote still doesnt back up the Notebooks stored in OneDrive, event have opened them in OneNote 2016. Answer: Click Back Up...
The ways to merge 2 containers in OneNote...
Remove all Links of Linked Note in a OneNote Page...
Using keyboard shortcut Alt+Shift+↑ or Alt+Shift+↓ to quickly move table rows up or down in OneNote...
Change onenote: protocol to make My Office launch OneNote 2016....
Use Adobe Acrobat Pro to import (or print) PDFs into OneNote for a clear typeface....
The synchronization problem with OneNote is the most frequently asked question on the network. Not one of them. The main complaint here is the synchronization around The Process of OneNote Synchronizing Through Th...
1.Synchronize OneNotes shared notebooks with OneDrive. 2. Sync OneNote’s local notebooks with other cloud sync disk. To resolve the problem of slow synchronization....
Use OneNote feature “Send as Attachment” to email a OneNote page as .one file attachment....
Enable auto link creation by typing [[ ]] around a phrase in OneNote...
Because 2016 edition OneNote 365 still has some bugs, so sometimes we still want come back to 2013 edition OneNote 365. Sign in At first, open website, and click Sign in top right of web page. Install Office 365 After...
In OneNote,the Checkbox is usually used for To Do. We can select the content which will insert checkbox. Click the To Do in Tags ( Shortcut: Ctrl + 1 ) We will got the checkbox list, and click the checkbox will make checked....
OneNote Delete Tag Click the tag in the Ribbon will insert or remove the same tag in the selected OneNote paragraph. OneNote Delete All Tags Select all content in page ( press Ctrl + A more ) Click Remove Tag in the list of Tags in Ribbon (...
OneNote gather, organize, search and share ideas, thoughts, clippings, lists, projects, meeting notes, lectures, references, event plans, instructions, journal, etc, etc, etc. Gather, organize, and search Organize page tabs better: ○ Mult...
Native OneNote table cant merge cells. After OneNote 2013 release, there is the possibility of using merged cell in OneNote. Of course it is also a way to compromise. OneNote 2013 add a new feature New Excel Spreadsheet . This feature requi...
If we have installed software in Windows 8.1, we cant find the software easily. We want to bring back the start menu without any tools. Right click on the taskbar. On the pop up menu, choose the Toolbars - New toolbar It will pop up a dialo...
This article describes how to speech to text in OneNote. Run Windows Speech Recognition Windows7 - Start Menu - Search - speech recognition - Windows Speech Recognition Windows 8 - Search ( Win+S ) - speech recognition or sap - Windows Spee...
OneNote has a feature named Speak, it can speak selected text in page. OneNote Speak is a hidden command. We need move it to OneNote Customize Quick Access Toolbar On OneNote top, drop down the QAT ( Customize Quick Access Toolbar ) - More...
Microsoft began offering the Office Click-to-Run version from Office 2010. Some applications, such as add-ins, cannot access and or work correctly with Office Click-to-Run version, because the Click-to-Run version is run in its own virtuali...
OneNote native table cannot merge cells. But sometimes we really need to merge cells in a table. OneNote 2013 native table new provide set a cell background feature - Shading Cell . We can set the cells background to simulate the merge cell...
We will got the Created with Microsoft OneNote 2013. signature below the content when Email Page or Export Page in OneNote, or use Export features in OneNote Batch . OneNote Batch export features Signature in Email Page feature Signature in...
In OneNote 2010, we can print all of a web page to an OneNote page. ( Send to OneNote as printouts ). And in the OneNote 2013, by default, Send to OneNote will print a web page to multiple OneNote pages. How can we disable it? We can disabl...
OneNote is very fragile due to OneNote involves numerous software,OneNote sometimes has got corrupted, and not working properly. Follows are some common problems: Send to OneNote disappear or is unavailable when update IE. Print to OneNot...
After Microsoft publish OneNote for Mac, next Microsoft release an OneNote Clipper, it can lets you save webpages from Mac Safari into your OneNote notebook. How to install OneNote Clipper to Mac Safari web browser Use Mac Safari navigate t...
After install Office, there will add an OneNote item in Windows Startup folder, it is OneNote clipper application ( Send to OneNote), it will auto launch when Windows System startup. And the OneNote clipper use Win + S keyboard shortcut, it...
As we have known OneNote has provide create a link feature. It is Insert tab - Links group - Link . On the surface this feature seem to create: Create a link to webpage. Create a link to local file. Create a link to OneNote notebook, sectio...
Using Keyboard Shortcut for Drawing We can using keyboard shortcut to quickly switch between typing mode and drawing mode. Follow is Keyboard Shortcut for drawing: Type Mode: Alt + D + T Lasso Select: Alt + D + L Panning Hand: Alt + D + H E...
Remove OneNote App with PowerShell Windows 10 Search the web and Windows - type Powershell - Right-Click - Run as administrator - input follow command line Get-AppxPackage ** | Remove-AppxPackage Remove OneNote App i...
How to quicly select all Subpages in OneNote...
Add Features: New Quick Note OneNote 2016 add View tab - Window group - New Quick Note feature. New Quick Note feature will open a mini OneNote window. New Quick Note Remove Features: Scanned Image OneNote 2016 Remove Insert tab - Images gr...
How to Move OneNote Notebook between Local Disk, Personal OneDrive and SharePoint OneDrive...
How to remove extra empty columns display in Excel spreadsheet in OneNote...
2016-8-17, Notebook Suddenly Auto Empty in OneNote...
How to copy content among of OneNote pages, and paste with hyperlink?...
Question: If someone has shared his OneNote notebook to me, I dont open it in my OneNote, but when the note is changed by he, it will send a notification email to my Microsoft email, can I disable this notice? Solution: Method 1: Click the...
Make Text in Image Searchable is Disabled When you clipping a screenshot into OneNote, and want to copy text from picture. But, sometimes you find something difference in right click menu. On the right click menu, there cannot find Copy Tex...
Question: Help - Im so frustrated. OneNote does not have the Insert Online Video after update the widows 10 OneNote 2016 desktop application. Answer: First please check your Office 365 OneNote 2016 Version (build). The feature has been...
Question: Sometimes, when you open your OneNote, you will find you have lost some notes. How to prevent the OneNote lost notes? Answer: At first, you need to learn what difference with OneNote versions. OneNote version comparison, differenc...
Question: Now, all of my OneNote Apps cannot sync this notebook any more after I change the notebook name on How to make OneNote Apps sync this notebook again? Reason: An OneNote notebook save as a Window Folder on
Use quotation marks to find an exact phrase To search for an exact phrase, enclose the phrase in quotation marks. For example, if you type Frank Lee and you have notes that include the names Frank Miller, Oliver Lee, and Frank Lee, OneNote...
OneNote has provided tag features. You can use these tags to flag out a paragraph clearly with an icon. The tag also help to easily search the paragraph too. In default, OneNote has provide 29 tags. But, OneNote also has the customize tag f...
How to Manually Sync the Current Page in OneNote for Android?...
After drawing or handwriting, phone OneNote can add new text box....
Install older version OneNote to fix fingerprint unlock issues....
Use Android OneDrive to modify the OneNote notebook name....
Android OneNote v16.0.16529.20142Use shapes in drawings...
Apply content headings in Android OneNote v16.0.16529.20142...
Android OneNote v16.0.16529.20142 provides the ability to modify the background color of the page in More Options....
Insert and Use Table in Android OneNote 16.0.16529.20142...
Android phone OneNote can generate different styles of bullet lists by typing an asterisk, minus sign, greater than sign, and then typing a space...
Android OneNote does not support internal links....
Download OneNote for Android 2012.2.7 OneNote for Android release Features:. 1. Text formatting, images, and bulleted lists 2. To-do lists with clickable checkboxes 3. Quick photo capture with your phones camera 4. Quick access to recent no...
Question: How do I get rid of the OneNote icon from Android notification area? Answer: When the OneNote badge is running, it adds a notification to the notification tray so that you can launch the OneNote badge directly from the notifica...
How to moving note container in mobile OneNote?...
Question: My ink gets shifted when viewed in Android OneNote. The OneNote 2016 notebook has none of these flaws, but the ink is shifted randomly when viewed through the Android OneNote. Reason: This is because some fonts dont installed i...
Question: 2016.9.28, after update OneNote for Android to 16.0.7341.1800 version, it seem to sign in OneNote using Office 365 account only. How to sign in OneNote for Android using Personal Microsoft Account? Answer: You just uninstall the O...
By adjusting Android phone dpi to use OneNotes tablet mode, which has more and more full functionality...
You can add the rule line and grid line by adjusting the Android OneNote tablet mode....
iPad OneNote displays garbled characters when displaying mathematical equation...
Enter text mode to enable features in Insert tab....
iPad OneNote Can’t Insert File, The File is Larger than 50 MB...
Question: I have used OneNote on my new (refurbed) iPad Air 5 for two days now and it already keeps crashing when importing or loading a pdf file. I have heard that OneNote has performance issues with large pdfs, though Im trying to open pd...
Handwriting or Typing in iPad OneNote Keep Pop up "Please Wait …” and Circle...
How to moving note container in mobile OneNote?...
Recover the deleted notes with the “Deleted Notes” feature in OneNote Online....
How to moving note container in mobile OneNote?...
Question: Can I delete a notebook in IOS OneNote? Answer: You cant delete a notebook in OneNote ( Any versions ). You just can close a notebook, but you cannot delete a notebook in OneNote. You must login to to delete a not...
Question: Why the OneNote cause the issues after update IOS to new version? Answer: This is because the OneNote latest version still unable to support the new IOS system. Solution: Method 1. Update the OneNote to latest version to check...
OneNote for Mac doesn't support local notebooks....
Cleverly batch resize PDF printouts in Mac OneNote...
How to Display Sections Tabs Horizontal to the Top of the Page on Mac OneNote?...
Copy sections from OneNote notebook in Work account to Personal account one by one by using the copy section method....
How to Sign in Multiple Microsoft Accounts in Mac OneNote?...
The Names of Each Part of the Menu Bar At the Top of the Mac Desktop...
How do I use the new Backup and Restore Notebook features in Mac OneNote 16.61?...
Press short cut Ctrl+M to pen new OneNote window....
OneNote occasionally loses content because it doesnt provide an automatic backup mechanism like Word. Actions that are found to cause content to be lost: When you cut pages or cut sections, you may lose them. When you modify the section name...
Empty the Office keychain to resolve an expired authentication session in macOS....
The sync shortcut for Mac OneNote is Command + S....
OneNote for MAC add Cloud File Attachment feature....
Question: How can I export all notes from Mac and import into OneNote? Answer: Need 2 steps. Step 1: In Mac OS, install Notes Exporter to export all notes from Mac Exporter will create folders and export all notes to pl...
Frequently used shortcuts Select all items on the current page. ⌘ + A (Continue pressing to expand the scope of your selection.) Select the page title. ⌘ + Shift + T Cut the selected text or item. ⌘ + X Copy the selected text or item...
Question: Every time I open OneNote, I have to sign in again in Mac. OneNote is always asking me to sign in. Every single time I boot up. If I restart OneNote after signing in, it will ask me again for sign in again. Answer: Make sure all M...
Mac OneNote save your notebooks on, local is cache only....
After April 2018, the OneNote for MAC began to add paid features. When your account is a free account, the following features are not visible. You cant use it. Only if your account is a paid subscription of 365 accounts, the following featu...
Use Cloud Attachments in OneNote for MAC to support opening and being able to edit cloud attachments....
Immersive reader: Sorry, we couldn’t get the right information to show the text correctly. GetReaderModel API error: Response HTTP code: 401...
How to Back Up the Notes that are not Synced to the Cloud in OneNote for Windows 10?...
OneNote is continuously generating a lot of conflict pages and that increases the file size....
Download and reinstall the latest version graphic card driver to fix it....
OneNote for Windows don’t support open locally stored section files....
How to Export Notebook that Deleted from Account, But OneNote for Windows 10 Still Exists?...
Use the Add-AppxPackage command to install the offline installation package...
Update OneNote for Windows 10 to latest version from Microsoft Store....
View the updated date of OneNote UWP in the Microsoft Store....
Search and install OneNote for Windows 10 in Windows 11 Microsoft Store...
Logging in to the and setting up the account avatar inside....
OneNote just support TTF(TrueType), doesn’t support OTF(OpenType)....
Format Painter keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+Shift+C, Ctrl+Shift+V...
Hide spelling errors to remove red, wavy underlines in OneNote for Windows 10....
PrintConfig.dll error that caused pdf imports through the virtual printer OneNote for Windows 10 was an error: Your printer has experienced an unexpected Configuration Problem. 0x8007007e...
The left icon bar disappears because the Legacy Navigation Pane is enabled in OneNote for Windows 10....
How to get back make subpage menu item in OneNote UWP....
Question: Where is the Ruler feature in OneNote for Windows 10? There is no ruler in my version right now. Answer: OneNote for Windows 10 (UWP) add Ruler feature in 2017.12. This feature is located in Draw tab. Reason: If you cannot find th...
On April 12, 2020, OneNote UWP changed from the original OneNote name to OneNote for Windows 10...
OneNote 0.25mm pen tip smallness is not pressure-sensitive, only to 0.50mm pen tip smallness has pressure sense....
OneNote 17, OneNote 16001, OneNote UWP, OneNote for Windows 10 Evolutionary Process...
OneNote for Windows 10 (UWP) add Cloud File Attachment feature....
Question: I want to protect some notes with password in OneNote. But the option is disabled. When I right-click on a section, I see the Lock Protected Sections option is gray out. Reason: OneNote 17 (Win 10 App) cannot encrypt and passwo...
Question: How do I turn of auto-capitalization in OneNote on Windows 10? Answer: The OneNote 17 (UWP) on Windows 10, there still no option to turn of capitalize first letter of sentence. Temporary Solution: But, we can restore the first let...
Question: I cannot find the Math button in my OneNote UWP in Windows 10. How do you display the Math button? Answer: This feature may be a paid feature. This feature is only available if you have login an Office 365 subscription account to...
Question: Where is the Disable hardware graphics acceleration in OneNote UWP? Answer: There is not Disable hardware graphics acceleration option in OneNote 17 UWP. Disable hardware graphics acceleration just provided in Windows Office OneNo...
OneNote for Windows 10 is a free software when it come with Windows 10 first release, but from 2016 July release, it has start been a software which need to pay for some features. And these features just appears for the paid users. They are...
Question: Is OneNote for Windows 10 free? I cannot find some features in OneNote for Windows 10. Answer: OneNote for Windows 10 is an UWP App, it is free when it first publish with Windows 10 release. But, from 2016/7, it become a softwa...
Question: How to move and rotate the ruler in OneNote for Windows 10? I cannot move it by mouse. How to use the Ruler: You can manipulate the ruler by using your fingers. Tap the Ruler icon. The ruler, or straightedge, is located on the Dra...
2018.4.19, Shared Single Page Feature is Being Removed from OneNote for Windows 10...
Because the online video saved in OneNote is a link only, Microsoft close Office Mix website cause the online video just leaves a link in OneNote....
Web-based features cannot be used when Offline....
Email a page through Share a page in OneNote app to Windows 10 Email app....
Question: Click on a .one file, OneNote prompt: We cant create a page here. Try reopening your default notebook. How can I resolve this? Answer: When you double-click OneNotes .one file in Windows Explorer, OneNote for Windows 10 will opens...
OneNote for Windows 10 save your notebooks on, local is cache only....
Question: Why getting Error: 0xE0001075 when I try to sign in OneNote in Windows 10? Answer: This error generally occurs in the case of your Microsoft account freeze. Login to or and make sure th...
Attachments in OneNote for Windows 10 are not editable, while OneNote 2016 is available....
Question: Why doesnt see the traditional attachment that appear as file icon when I drag and drop file from Windows Explorer to the OneNote UWP? Phenomenon: The ability to insert attachments has changed in January 2019 after OneNote for Win...
Use Cloud Attachments in OneNote for Windows 10 to support opening and being able to edit cloud attachments....
Where is the “New Section Group” feature in OneNote UWP?...
Question: I am having difficulty figuring out how to export a OneNote notebook to a pdf file in OneNote UWP, how can I export OneNotes notebook as a PDF file? Answer: OneNote UWP does not provide export capabilities. It also does not provid...
The installation of OneNote UWP from the Microsoft Store failed due to the shutdown of the Print Spooler service....
Only OneNote 2010, 2013, 2016 will have the File tab, and OneNote UWP does not have the File tab....
Question: At first time you use OneNote for Windows 10, when you sign in to your account and create a new notebook, it show below message: Microsoft OneNote OneNote cannot create a new notebook at: Possible reasons include: - The specified...
Microsoft 365 Message Center Archive announced Microsoft OneNote: The "me@onenote" feature will retire....
When the browser enters the OneNote list notebook: Sorry, we can't get your notebooks right now. Please try again later....
Comparison of similarities and differences between Web OneNote and Desktop OneNote...
Displays the date format of different countries by modifying the country/region of personal info on the web page....
Is it possible share link to specify page in Online OneNote?...
Installing OneNote from the Microsoft Store, keeps getting stuck Checking dependencies, or keeps Installing (0%)...
OneNote can now read your handwriting using Copilot...
The procedure entry point WerRegisterAdditionalProcess could not be located in the dynamic link library ONENOTE.EXE...
Office OneNote 365 doesn't show tracks during drawing until the pen is raised...
Microsoft 365 applications crashing on Windows Server 2016...
2025.2 OneNote scheduled to add "Enable Copilot" checkbox to turn Off Copilot...
When you open an attachment in OneNote.exe, it says: Your administrator has blocked your ability to open this type in OneNote...
Why OneNote 2024 Show Large Blank Space when Scroll to the Bottom of Page?...
Event: 2024.12.11, OneNote failed to sync some sections for the 3th time. ...
Error message "OneNote can't sync your notes because your account is out of space" but I have plenty of space on OneDrive...
2024.10, some OneNote sections disappear, reopen the notebook not synchronize these disappeared sections...
Event: 2024.8.27 All Notes and Sections Disappear Except Notebook Names in OneNote. Error: 0xE00009C8 bb0ur...
OneNote client and OneDrive client have no relationship on Windows PC...
The procedure entry point SetProcessMitigationPolicy could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll....
OneNote simplified ribbon doesn’t display “Date & Time” button....
OneNote 2024 LTSC has got the new features compare to.OneNote 2021 LTSC....
Microsoft still Calls OneNote in Office 2024 as OneNote 2024...
2024.9.15 Microsoft officially Release Office 2024...
Windows Office OneNote since OneNote 2003 is like this, this is a legacy of history....
Due to the use of OneNote's page sorting, the "Make Subpage" feature is not available....
The Screen Clipping feature of the OneNote inserts screenshot and timestamp, can I insert it without timestamp?...
Isn't OneNote Free? Why does OneNote Appear "Unlicensed Product"?...
Because the correct language pack doesn't come with an Office update, it can cause a crash when entering text or spell checking in Office....
The Ink-to-text Pen appears only when you have a stylus....
One of the OneNote sections is too large to keep syncing, failing, and taking up all the memory....
The business account subscription has expired, and OneNote wants to return the free license....
OneNote in the Microsoft Store is actually OneNote in Office...
The Math Assistant feature is only available in the notebooks in your Microsoft School or Work account....
If you don't want to log in to your account to use OneNote, you can close the OneNote sign in window from the Windows taskbar....
You can go to the OneNote options window to open Always show the Windows taskbar when in Full Page View....
How to fix the problem that some lines in OneNote only show half the line height?...
After 2024.5.27, How to Fix to Renew OneNote 2016 and OneNote 2013 under Windows 7 to Sign in to
OneNote v2403 Removes Feed, Mainly Removes Samsung Notes and Replaces with Sticky Notes...
October 14, 2025 OneNote 2016 will be retired and Microsoft will end support...
Move the Pen Toolbar to Above, Below, Left, Right In OneNote Full Page View...
Let Nvidia Prefer Maximum Performance for OneNote to Solve Scrolling Stuttering...
120 Attachments that Windows Office OneNote Prohibits from Opening from Page...
Using the horizontal tab layout, restore to show the Section List to the top of the page....
Issue After previously installing Office 2019 on a PC running any edition of Windows 10, OneNote appears to be missing from the list of installed desktop applications. Background OneNote was previously excluded from Office 2019 installation...
Enable Class Notebook in General in OneNote options window....
OneNote cannot move the Page List to right Side when Using Vertical Tabs Layout....
The 2 OneNote search boxes are the Function Search Box and the Content Search Box....
In the OneNote options window, just uncheck the "Check grammar with spelling" to fix typing slow....
OneNote can't sync because run out of space. Error code: 0xE0000796...
When Office 365 expires, OneNote shows that it is not authorized and some features are unavailable....
It need install PDF software to help OneNote process PDF files....
Why Can't Find Dictate and Transcribe in my OneNote Home Tab?...
Question OneNote does not have a pen toolbar in the vertical screen of the Surface, but it does have a pen toolbar in the horizontal screen. This is horizontal mode This is vertical mode Answer It is indeed a scaling issue. This looked like...
The following table lists the Office versions that are supported for connecting to Microsoft 365 services. For example, connecting to Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, or OneDrive for Business. Office version Supported for connecting until...
Because of the vertical tab state, the horizontal tab layout options in the OneNote Options window are not available....
Convert a OneNote notebook into a Local Notebook by Exporting it as .onepkg file, and then double-clicking to open the .onepkg file....
Office 2021 follows the Modern Lifecycle Policy. This applies to the following editions: Home and Business Home and Business for Mac Home and Student Home and Student for Mac Professional ...
Switch between the classic ribbon and the simplified ribbon in OneNote 2021...
OneNote Has Set a New Default Notebook Location, why is it still Empty after Reopen Notebooks?...
2020-10-13, Ended Support OneNote 2013 Connectivity to Microsoft 365 Services, 2023-4-11, Ended Support Entirely...
In OneNote's options window, set to restore the notebook list back to the left display....
Export a OneNote notebook as a local OneNote onepkg package....
The page list pane of Office OneNote is displayed on the left by setting it in the Options window....
The server you are trying to access is using an authentication protocol not supported by this version of Office...
My OneNote doesn't have a "math assistant", gray out, can't be used, what's going on?...
How to Use the Draw and Hold Gesture to Draw a Line, Arrow, or Shape in OneNote?...
Use the command line to downgrade the OneNote version....
Uncheck the “Hide Quick Access Toolbar” menu item on OneNote Show Ribbon pop up menu to show QAT....
Export a page as a .one file with the export feature provided by OneNote....
Choose “This PC” in “New” page to create local notebook in OneNote....
Open the notebook on OneDrive from the Open page under File for OneNote...
In the OneNote Options window, set Remove site source link when pasting web content....
In 2022, the maximum attachment limit for OneNote notebooks on OneDrive is less than 100 MB....
You can open a .one file through OneNote 2010, 2013, 2016, 2021....
OneNote downloaded from, OneNote 2016 installed in Win7 and OneNote 2021 installed in Win10...
Show Tablet PC Input Panel on OneNote pages....
The click-to-run version of OneNote can disable updates by update options drop-down menu item "Disable Updates" menu items....
In OneNote options window, the Microsoft search box is collapsed by default to disable the search box on the main window title bar....
Cannot create new OneNote due to account reasons....
Copy the ink from OneNote to Word and keep the ink format with Word's Paste Special feature....
OneNote 2021, Released in 2021, New Features Comparison to OneNote 2016...
Only OneNote 2010, 2013, 2016 can use OneNote without logging into your account....
OneNote's Top Ten Most Basic and Commonly Used Shortcuts...
Turn off shape snap to grid in OneNote so that when you draw a line, the end point is smoothly aligned to a point....
Because Word initialization is not performed, there is no docx option in the selection format of the OneNote export feature....
Uncheck the “Show note containers on pages” to disable display containers....
OneNote 365, 2016, 2013, 2010 in Windows can sync the notebooks created by phone OneNote with the Open feature....
Check “Lock Drawing Mode”, prevents return back to typing mode after drawing a line....
In the Windows Start menu, run OneNote 2016 as an administrator...
OneNote's Online Pictures and Online Video features unusable because Let Office download online content is disabled....
There are options to turn off auto-numbering and bullets in the Options window of OneNote....
OneNote 2016 can work offline without a network and then sync when there is a network....
Disable “Show Unread Changes in This Notebook” to remove blue background....
On May 3, 2020, OneNote 2016 reverts to OneNote...
Insert PDF File Printout to OneNote 2016 get there was a problem inserting the file error....
Event: 2020.2.6, OneNote 2016 began with a number of sync issues: Were sorry, your account doesnt seem to have permissions to edit this notebook. Click here to try again. We couldnt open that location. It might not exist or you might not ha...
Export online notebooks to OneNote 2010 with the free version of OneNote 2016....
October 13, 2020: End of Support for OneNote 2010...
Question: I cannot write in OneNote with the different line thicknesses. How to enable the pen pressure sensitivity in OneNote? Answer: OneNote 2016, 2013, 2010 have the pen pressure sensitivity option. Steps: In OneNote 2016, 2013, 2010 -...
Question: 2017.4, In OneNote 2010, If I edit any page in the OneNote App on Windows 10, the Section will no longer sync to Office 2010 (via OneDrive). All give the following error: An error occurred while attempting to sync this section or...
Question: [2017.5.24] I am having problems with OneNote files on my laptop. I have several note books open and I sync with OneDrive automatically when there are changes. The problem I am having is when I try to open a Notebook it says There...
Create U Disk Notebook in OneNote 2010 in Windows XP In this example, we using OneNote 2010, create new notebook in U Disk in Windows XP. Steps: OneNote 2010 - File - New - New Notebook Store Notebook On: My Computer Name: USB Notebook Loca...
Question: After reinstall Windows system and Office, run OneNote, and I cannot find all my notebooks. How can I recovery my notebooks? Answer: Not like Evernote, OneNote doesnt auto sync all notebooks after reinstall. The reason is OneNote...
Question: Just installed Office 2010, and pop up follow message in OneNote 2010: Windows Security Connecting to Select a certificate No certificate available No certificates meet the application How to fix it? Answer: This i...
Check your Office 365 is 2013 or 2016 in OneNote about window....
In Windows 7, 8, you can install OneNote 2016 from Office 365....
Using Work or School Account to login OneNote 2016 from add a place....
The Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) is a customizable toolbar that contains a set of commands. It has been an important part of ribbon since the Microsoft office 2007 version. We can place our favorite commands Save, Undo, Redo, New in it. Add c...
When is the Office 2012 release date? A job advert for Office Mobile testing in October 2010 referred to Office 15 and Windows Phone 8 planning phase just getting under way, rumours in March suggested the code had already reached Milestone...
1. Copy Linke to OneNote Page 2. Create a hyperlink in Visio Brainstorming topic to link to OneNote Page. 3. Create a hyperlink in OneNote Page to link to Visio brainstorming file. 4. Press Ctrl + Mouse Click will go to OneNote 5. Press Ctr...
Issues that this update fixes Assume that you are running the 32-bit version of OneNote 2010 in Windows 8. When you select text and then try to delete it in a OneNote notebook, OneNote 2010 crashes. Assume that OneNote 2010 keeps Recycle Bi...
This is the OneNote error codes. We can match the meaning of the error code here 0x80042000 The XML is not well-formed. 0x80042001 The XML is invalid. 0x80042002 The section could not be created. 0x80042003 The section could not be opened....
In OneNote 2013, we can insert an existing Excel Spreadsheet. Click Insert tab - Files group - Speadsheet menu - Existing Excel Spreadsheet item to insert an existing Excel Spreadsheet. We can choose 3 styles to insert Excel spreadsheet. 1....
Question: Where is the settings of Send to OneNote tools? Answer: The settings of Send to OneNote is in File tab - Options item - Options Window - Send to OneNote tab. In this tab, you can customize how OneNote integrates with other applica...
Question: There is not the Diagram feature in Insert tab. I cannot find the Visio Diagram after Excel Spreadsheet feature. Answer: This is because you have not installed Visio application yet. If you have not installed Office Word, the W...
Record audio, Take notes during recording, and Play Back from a note in OneNote...
OneNote Option - Vertical Scroll Bar Appears on the Left OneNote has an option to move page vertical scroll bar to the left. Follow File tab - Options item - Open OneNote Options window - Display tab - Display group - check the Vertical scr...
Create Customize Template in OneNote In OneNote, click Insert tab - Pages group - Page Templates command - Open Templates Pane - on the bottom of the pane - Create new template - click Save current page as a template . OneNote will create a...
Can you tag pages like Evernote in OneNote?...
Why OneNote just provide password protect section, not notebook?...
How to set OneNote page limit to A4 for writing?...
Why my OneNote cannot create local notebook?...
How to fix stuck in OneNote 2016 sign in loop?...
Question: I have re-installed Windows system, downloaded and installed OneNote from The pages cannot editable when I open my local .one files? How to change them to editable? Answers: It is the free edition OneNote download...
Question: Download and install OneNote from, click on a table, the Table Tools appear, and there is a button Convert to Excel Spreadsheet is grey out and disabled. Why it is in unusable? Answer: The OneNote download from OneNote...
Question: What is the sync keyboard shortcut in OneNote? Answer: Keyboard Shortcut for Desktop OneNote: F9 sync changes in all shared notebooks. It cannot sync local notebooks. Shift+F9 sync changes in the current shared notebook. View Note...
Question: It display Currently, you can only create notebooks on OneDrive. Activate an Office 365 subscription for more notebook options. when I open a .onepkg file by OneNote which download from How can I open a .onepkg...
Question: Why OneNote prompt To get the most out of OneNote, move this notebook to OneDrive. Click here to move. when open a .one file? Answer: If you use OneNote free version ( download from ) try to open a .one file from Windo...
Question: There isnt Notebook Pane display in left side of OneNote, how to pin the notebook pane in OneNote? {C} Below image is my OneNote, it is not easy to switch between sections. Answer: You can show / hide the notebook pane in left sid...
The OneNote 2016 export feature will has Word document option after you installed Word 2016....
Using Scratch-out Gesture in OneNote...
Open the onenote: protocol with OneNote 2016 by setting the protocol for Windows 10 by specifying the default app...