[2025-03-18] Release OneNote Batch (Close Notebooks)
[2025-03-18] Release OneNote Batch (Close Notebooks)
Close Notebook
Close the selected OneNote notebook without opening OneNote.
Uses: When OneNote cannot be opened for special reasons.
This feature show in Sections Tree context menu (Right click mouse menu).
[2024-11-14] Release OneNote Batch
Added replacement range: All, Page Title, Content
Export to HTML
Improve Gem Exporter
[2024-09-23] Release OneNote Batch
Import Evernote
Improve: fix a OneNote bug.
[2024-08-01] Release OneNote Batch
Refresh OCR Text
Add: Make text in all images searchable
[2024-06-19] Release OneNote Batch
List Attachments
Right-click menu add “Sort by Checked”
Choose Extensions window add “Danger Extensions” button
[2024-04-11] Release OneNote Batch (2024 Version)
Release OneNote Batch 2024
[2024-01-26] Release OneNote Batch
Import Evernote
Improve convert Evernote’s checkboxes to OneNote To-Do tags.
List Attach File
Add option: Using page title as part of file name when export.
[2023-10-12] Release OneNote Batch
Import Evernote
Fix page title issues.
[2023-08-17] Release OneNote Batch
Add Copy Pages button: copy result pages to specify section
[2023-07-17] Release OneNote Batch
Add option: Keyword is HTML code.
[2023-05-15] Release OneNote Batch
Improve: redesigned name of OneNote subpage: Main page title – Subpage title
Improve: save settings.
[2023-02-01] Release OneNote Batch
Import CSV
Add error message into log memo box.
Import Evernote
Set default as: Import as section.
[2023-01-03] Release OneNote Batch (Import Export CSV)
Export to CSV
Export OneNote pages of checked sections to a format CSV file.
A record in CSV file include:
- Columns separated with character ,
- Columns enclosed with character “
- Columns escaped with character “
- Columns: "id", "datetime", "title", "path", "link", "content"
Images and Attachments:
For OneNote pages that have pictures and attachments, export them to relative subfolders. In other words, this export function is not only a onenote.csv file, but also subfolders, pictures, and attachments.
Import CSV
Open a .csv file and specify the Content column, then import into OneNote.
A record in CSV request:
- Columns separated with character ,
- Columns enclosed with character “
- Columns escaped with character “
Images and Attachments:
If the content of the .csv file is HTML, if the image is a relative path, you can copy the tree folder of the image to the folder where the .csv file is located as a subfolder. It can import HTML and related images into OneNote.
For onenote.csv and picture tree folders exported using OneNote Batch's Export to CSV feature. With this function, you can import the content of the .csv and its pictures and attachments.
Import Evernote
Add an option for create Evernote tags to OneNote sections. Then import Evernote notes into them.
Import HTML
Fix a bug for import attachments.
[2022-12-23] Release OneNote Batch (Import Evernote Notion HTML)
Import Html
Import Tree
Import HTML File Exported by Evernote 10.x
Support to Import the HTML files Evernote exported. Support Evernote’s images and attachments.
Import HTML File Exported by Notion
Support to Import the HTML files Notion exported. Support Notion’s images and attachments.
[2022-12-11] Release OneNote Batch
Import Evernote
Improve to support new Evernote checkbox
[2022-12-04] Release OneNote Batch
Change Font
Fix a bug.
Import Evernote
Fix a bug.
Import PPT to OneNote
Fix order of presentations show in OneNote.
[2022-02-12] Release OneNote Batch
List Images
Fix “List Images” cannot works in 2021 version.
[2022-01-07] Release OneNote Batch
Import Images
Fix a bug of specify width.
[2021-10-26] Release OneNote Batch
Improve import epub file.
[2021-09-19] Release OneNote Batch
New support OneNote 2021
[2021-08-24] Release OneNote Batch
Import Evernote
Improve import evernote.
[2021-03-23] Release OneNote Batch (Quick Notes)
Quick Notes
Convert Quick Notes to Normal OneNote Pages
Restore page title, remove quick notes background.
Export Pages to HTML
Improve “Export Pages to HTML” to fit for “Mac OneNote Batch”.
[2020-10-12] Release OneNote Batch
Search with Perl Regular Expressions
[2020-10-01] Release OneNote Batch
Import Outlook Notes
Command line for export PDF, DOC, HTML
[2020-08-24] Release OneNote Batch
Google Keep
Import Google Keep
Fix to support new Google Keep export file format.
[2020-04-27] Release OneNote Batch
Verify Pages
Add: enter key jump to OneNote page
Fix: Error 3.
[2020-02-10] Release OneNote Batch (Save as ePub)
Search inside Attach Files
Search Chinese inside PDF attach files. (Request Chinese system)
Import PDF as Plain Text
Import Chinese PDF files as plain text. (Request Chinese system).
[2019-11-01] Release OneNote Batch
Save as ePub
Check Links
[2019-09-20] Release OneNote Batch (Refresh OCR Text)
Add: choose UTF-8 to import ePub file.
Fix Bug:
Export to HTML
Create Pages by List
Verify Pages
[2019-07-09] Release OneNote Batch
Refresh the OCR text so that OneNote can regenerate the OCR text in the pictures.
Create Pages by List
Improve to support create subpages.
0 space = Level 1 page
1 – 4 spaces or 1 tab key = Level 2 page
> 4 spaces or 2 tab keys = level 3 page
[2019-04-14] Release OneNote Batch (List Cloud Attachments)
List all cloud attachments in checked sections.
Export to TXT File
Add command line:
"C:Program Files (x86)OneNoteGemNoteBatchNoteBatchProcessor.exe" /ExportToTxt {B205E1DE-00C5-0565-121C-8E5C89B2C04C}{1}{B0} "d:ExportFolder"
Export to RTF File
Add command line:
"C:Program Files (x86)OneNoteGemNoteBatchNoteBatchProcessor.exe" /ExportToRtf {B205E1DE-00C5-0565-121C-8E5C89B2C04C}{1}{B0} "d:ExportFolder"
[2019-03-14] Release OneNote Batch (Verify Pages)
Add option: Display To-Do tags only, (Display All To-Do tags, Display uncheck To-Do tags, and Display checked To-Do tags).
Verify Page
Add click item jump to OneNote page.
Export Sections to 2007
Fix bugs.
[2019-01-01] Release OneNote Batch
Verify Pages
Verify and rectify pages of specify notebooks.
Check the known page error, and fix them.
Save as chm File
Fix subpages error.
[2018-11-20] Release OneNote Batch (Export to WordNote)
Improve “Export Page to Docx” to support WordNote.
Convert OneNote To-Do tags to WordNote checkboxes.
Import ePub Files
Fix some bugs.
[2018-10-25] Release OneNote Batch
Keep page color.
Keep headings.
[2018-10-22] Release OneNote Batch
Improve “Export Page to Docx” to support WordNote.
Convert OneNote headings to Word headings.
Append attachment of OneNote page to Word docx file.
Convert Gem’s Keyword Tags to WordNote tags.
[2018-08-05] Release OneNote Batch (Import PDFs as Text)
[2018-06-04] Update OneNote Batch
Import Word Documents
Add an option: Remove style
[2018-02-17] Release OneNote Batch
Save as Chm
Save notebook or section as .chm file. And keep subpage hierarchy.
Import EPub
Fix cannot extract some .ePub files.
[2018-01-16] Release OneNote Batch
Import PDF Files as Plain Text
Import PDF Files as plain text into OneNote.
Import PDF Files as Text and Images
Import PDF Files as text and its images into OneNote. This importer will spend much time than plain text importer. Please wait patient.
Create Table of Contents of Headings for Pages
Create table of contents of headings for the pages in checked sections. And append "Go to TOC" label on every heading paragraphs.
Export Page to Txt
Add option: export as UTF-8 txt file.
[2017-12-12] Release OneNote Batch (Import ePub File)
Import a .ePub file into specify notebook. And keep the links in catalog of epub don't broken.
[2017-10-01] Release OneNote Batch (Search Inside PDF Attachments)
Export Pages to HTML Files Using Gem HTML Exporter
Using Gem HTML exporter to export OneNote pages to HTML files.
Include some new features:
Convert OneNote internal onenote: links between pages into HTML links between HTML files.
Convert OneNote internal onenote: links between paragraphs into HTML anchor between HTML paragraphs.
Export attachments.
Export Pages to HTML Files
Convert OneNote internal onenote: links to relative links between HTML files.
Import Evernote into OneNote.
[2017-09-22] Release OneNote Batch
Search inside PDF attachments
Search the content of the PDF attachments. It open the PDF attachments saved in OneNote, and search keywords inside the attachments.
Improve "Export OneNote Pages as .txt Files" to support Unicode.
[2017-07-15] Release OneNote Batch
Remove All Empty Paragraphs
Remove all empty paragraphs
Remove all extra empty paragraphs, and keep one only.
Remove all indents
Fix Image List in OneNote Batch 2016
Fix Export attachments file name in OneNote Batch 2016.
[2017-06-24] Release OneNote Batch
Remove point from bullet paragraphs. Restore bullet paragraphs to normal text paragraphs.
Hide/Show Page Date Time
Hide/Show page date & time.
Search Multiple Key combination at Once
Because the search is slow, to reduce the times of searches, add an option for search multi-line keywords in one-time search.
Add UTF8 Option
Add UTF8 option for Import HTML files.
Add UTF8 option for Import Folder.
Add Command Line Options
[2017-05-13] Release OneNote Batch (Notebooks Word Count)
Remove Bullet Point
Remove point from bullet paragraphs. Restore bullet paragraphs to normal text paragraphs.
[2017-04-17] Release OneNote Batch
Statistics for selected notebooks, section groups, sections, pages. Count Words, paragraphs, images …
List Tags
Add "Path" column for Tag Item.
Import Images
Add "Save images as original size." option.
[2017-02-17] Release OneNote Batch ( Convert 2007 .one )
Import Doc Folder
Import Doc folder with tree structure into OneNote.
Import a folder into OneNote, the subfolders are created as section group and section, .doc (.docx) files will import as pages.
Read More
[2016-04-22] Release OneNote Batch (Import Google Keep)
Import Google Keep Notes into OneNote
Import Google Keep Notes into OneNote, include images, checkboxes, background color. Convert Google Keep labels to OneNote Gem Keyword tags.
Clean Page Content
Clean page content of checked notebooks, and keep title.
List Tags
Improve list tags feature to support all tags, include customize tags.
Import Outlook Mails
Improve import outlook mails, information table include CC, BCC rows.
[2016-03-25] Release OneNote Batch ( Find Specify Tags )
Clean Page Content
Clean page content of checked notebooks, and keep title.
Pack Local Link Docs
Improve "Pack Local Link Docs" to support Gem relative link local files, and Gem variable link local files ( include %USERPROFILE%, %ONEDRIVE%, %ONEDRIVEFORBUSINESS% ).
[2016-01-08] Release OneNote Batch
Search Tab
Add a new tab - "Search" tab.
List Tags
List paragraph with tags in notebooks or sections.
List paragraph with specify tag. (OR)
List paragraph with single tag. (OR)
List paragraph with multiple tags. (AND)
Find paragraph with tags by keyword.
Find paragraph with tags among of specify create date.
Find paragraph with tags among of specify completion date.
Export to HTML file.
Change page fonts.
[2015-10-16] Release OneNote Batch ( Remove Broken Links )
Import Evernote Notebook as OneNote Notebook
Import .EnEx file as OneNote Notebook
Import Evernote's notes at specify date
Import Evernote's notes among range date
Command line for import today notes in Evernote notebook to related OneNote notebook.
General Importer Option for PDF printout.
[2015-09-04] Release OneNote Batch
Check and remove broken links of Hierarchy ( links between pages ) and local file in its section.
Check and remove broken links and local file in its notebook.
Provide command line for remove broken links.
You can add a task scheduler to remove broken links every day.
[2015-05-19] Update OneNote Batch
Improve Import Doc as Printout
Improve Import PPT as Printout
Improve Import PDF as Printout
Improve Import Files as Printout
[2015-04-26] Release OneNote Batch
Delete Subsidiaries
Use command line to delete a notebook or a section group subsidiaries, includes sub section groups and sub sections.
NoteBatchProcessor.exe /RemoveSubs {notebook id}
Recovery Linked Note Links ( Anchors )
You can recovery linked note links ( Anchors ) after you have moved local files from one folder to another folder. If you have moved local files to another folder, the anchors will be broken. Input old local path and new local path to recovery anchor's links.
Replace Section Names
Batch replace checked section names.
Print Documents to OneNote with Attach file
Add: Insert associated attach file after print document to OneNote.
Import a set of associated HTML files, Change hyperlinks to OneNote page links in each other
Import a group of HTML files. If they link to each other with local hyperlinks, this feature will change the hyperlinks to their new OneNote page links.
Import PPT slides as Images
Import multiple PowerPoint Presentations. Convert PPT slides to images, and import to a OneNote new page.
[2015-02-27] Update OneNote Batch ( Line Spacing )
List Images, add "Export" button to export list images.
Search, add "Search Hyperlinks", add "Search by Windows Index" options.
Replace, improve to replace special characters.
Import as Printouts, add "add attach file" when printout.
[2014-11-02] Release OneNote Batch
Line spacing of text ( not paragraph spacing )
Adjust how much space appears between lines of text ( not paragraph spacing ). The line spacing size must greater than the font size.
Backup notebooks ( Backup shared notebooks )
Backup all notebooks. You can use this feature to backup all shared notebooks.
And you also can use this feature to convert OneNote 2007 .one files to OneNote 2010 .one files.
Export as .lnk files
Export selected notebooks, sections, pages link as .lnk files.
[2014-09-13] Release OneNote Batch ( Delete Duplicates )
Search Duplicate Notes
You can search notes in checked notebooks and sections only.
Search duplicate notes by similar title.
Search duplicate notes by similar title and content.
Search duplicate notes by content.
Search duplicate notes condition with similar content 25%
Search duplicate notes condition with similar content 50%
Search duplicate notes condition with similar content 85%
Choose and Delete Duplicate Notes
Sort duplicate notes by time
Right click menu
a. Check Selected notes
b. Reverse check selected notes
c. Check all notes
d. Check the last modified notes
e. Uncheck selected notes
f. Uncheck all notes
g. Check level 1 notes
h. Check all level 2 notes
Import Today and Yesterday EverNote Notes
Improve Import EverNote feature
Just import today EverNote notes.
Just import today and yesterday EverNote Notes.
Other features:
OneNote Batch help system.
OneNote Batch Update system.
[2014-08-08] Release OneNote Batch
Add New Features:
Enable / Disable Pages Spelling Check
Enable / Disable pages Spelling Check for selected Notebooks or Sections.
Change Pages Background Color and Rule Lines Color
Setting pages color.
Setting Rule Lines color:
Setting left margin line color.
Setting grid horizontal lines color.
Setting grid vertical lines color.
Setting Pages Font
Setting Pages Title Font
Change Pages Title Font.
Change Pages Title font size.
Change Pages Title Spacing before.
Change Pages Title Spacing after.
Setting Pages Content Font
Change Pages Content Font.
Change Pages Content Font size.
Change Pages Paragraphs spacing before.
Change Pages Paragraphs spacing after.
Apply the Content Font for:
New Paragraphs.
New Words ( End of Paragraphs ).
Anything ( Increase or Decrease the font size )
Anything ( Replace all to new font size )
Clean Pages Authors
Clean all authors information in all pages of selected notebooks or sections.
[2014-05-16] Update OneNote Batch ( Import from EverNote 2.0 )
1. Improve Import EverNote feature to support batch import EverNote 2.0 .enx file.
2. Improve Import RSS to batch download blogs to OneNote, and stripping the text from web page.
[2014-04-02] Release OneNote Batch ( Export to RTF, Txt )
Export pages to Rtf files
Export pages in selected OneNote notebooks or sections to .rtf files.
One page save as one rtf file.
Export pages to Txt files
Export pages in selected OneNote notebooks or sections to .txt files.
One page save as one txt file.
Improve features:
Import from EverNote
Import multiple .enex files into specify OneNote notebook or section group.
Auto create sections by .enex file name
Import completely notebooks into specify OneNote notebook or section group from EverNote software.
Auto create sections by EverNote notebook name.
Add "Stop" button
[2014-02-12] Release OneNote Batch (Import Docs)
Import .doc files into OneNote as plain text and images.
Import text folder with tree structure into OneNote. ( auto create a folder as section group and section )
Improve Import Outlook notes into OneNote with categories Tags as OneNote Keyword Tags.
Improve Import Outlook notes folder groups tree structure into OneNote. ( auto create folder group as section group, create folder as section )
Improve import EverNote into OneNote with tags as OneNote Keyword Tags.
Improve import EverNote command line: Import multiple .enex files into a new section ( auto create the section) in current OneNote notebook.
[2013-10-19] Release OneNote Batch ( Import Files Printout )
OneNote Batch New features: Import .doc as Printout, Import .ppt as Printout, Import .pdf as Printout, import Files as Printout.
Import .doc as Printout
Batch import Microsoft Word documents (.doc, .docx) into OneNote as printout, and set file name as OneNote page title, best installed MS Word.
Import .ppt as Printout
Batch import Microsoft PowerPoint presentations (.ppt, .pptx) into OneNote as printout, and set file name as OneNote page title, best installed MS PowerPoint.
Import .pdf as Printout
Batch import Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf) into OneNote as printout, and set file name as OneNote page title, best installed Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader.
Import Files as Printout
Batch import Files (.txt, .rft, and so on.) into OneNote as printout, and set file name as OneNote page title. It need the file can be printed in your Windows.
Import EverNote
Rebuild Import EverNote into OneNote feature to support large size .enex file.
Fixed some bugs in Importing.
[2013-10-11] Release OneNote Batch ( Import RSS )
OneNote Batch New features: Clean Page Title, New Sections by List, Import RSS.
Clean Page Title
Clean all page title in selected sections.
New Sections by List
According the List ( .txt file ), OneNote Batch will create sections.
Import RSS
Download web pages by specified RSS hyperlink, and save into OneNote.
Improve features:
Import Outlook Email, Summary email subject as To-Do list in split date pages.
Import Outlook Email, Import Email as page and summary as To-Do list in split date pages.
Import EverNote, fixed some bugs.
[2013-09-18] Update OneNote Batch
Update Import Outlook notes, save note create DateTime as OneNote page DateTime when import.
Update Import Evernote, save Evernote note's DateTime as OneNote page DateTime when import.
[2013-08-14] Update OneNote Batch
Improve "Import EverNote" feature to support ZOTERO export .enex file.
Improve "Import Outlook Notes" feature.
[2013.07.06] - Release OneNote Batch ( Import EverNote )
Expand "Import Outlook Notes", add title prefix ( create time or modify time )
Expand "Import Outlook Mails".
[2013.05.04] Release OneNote Batch ( Import Outlook Mails )
In this OneNote Batch version:
Import Outlook Mails
Import Outlook MailsChoose an Outlook folder, and import all mails into OneNote. Next time, it will import the newer mails into OneNote when you do it again.
Import Outlook Mails with date as prefix in titleYou can import Outlook mails and customize the OneNote page title( Use the received date time as prefix for page title )
Move multiple sections into another notebook
Use this feature, we can move multiple selected ( checked ) sections in a local notebook into another local notebook.
This feature show in Sections Tree context menu ( Right click mouse menu ).
Search in Title or Tags
Enhanced search capabilities.
We can search OneNote page with title.
Search the tags in pages.
[2013.03.12] OneNote Batch ( Search inside attach files )
Support file format: .txt, .rtf, .doc, .docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx.
Search attachment by name.
Export pages to docs
Add export command lines.
[2013-02-23] Update OneNote Batch ( Import files with file name as title )
Update import text file with file name as OneNote page title.
Update import html file with file name as OneNote page title.
Fixed can't import images with the html file.
Update import image file with file name as OneNote page title.
[2013-01-07] New Release OneNote Batch
Batch process OneNote objects in pages of all notebooks or selected sections.
Recovery Local Links
Chanage local hyperlinks in OneNote pages of selected notebooks or sections. When we have created links for local files, as soon as we move the files to another folder, the links in pages will broken. Use this feature to move link from old folder to new folder.
List Images
List all images in selected notebooks or sections. Click the image will jump to the location in OneNote page.
List Attach Files
List all attach files in selected notebooks or sections.
Click the attach file in list will jump to the location in OneNote page.
Click the "Export" button will export all attach files in list.
List Media Files
List all media files in selected notebooks or sections
Save as Chm
Save selected notebook or section to .chm file
Search in OneNote notebooks
Search keyword in selected OneNote notebooks or sections.
Replace in OneNote notebooks
Replace in selected OneNote notebooks or sections.
Export Pages to Pdf Files
Export pages in selected OneNote notebooks or sections to .pdf files.
One page save as one pdf file.
Export Pages to Xps Files
Export pages in selected OneNote notebooks or sections to .xps files.
One page save as one xps file.
Export Pages to Mht Files
Export pages in selected OneNote notebooks or sections to .mht files.
One page save as one mht file.
Export Pages to Htm Files
Export pages in selected OneNote notebooks or sections to .htm files.
One page save as one htm file.
Export Pages to Emf Files
Export pages in selected OneNote notebooks or sections to .emf files.
One page save as one emf file.
Export 2010 Sections to 2007 Sections
Export sections in selected OneNote 2010 notebooks or sections to 2007 setions files.
Import Txt Files to Section
Import .txt files to selected section
Import Html Files to Section
Import .htm files to selected section.
Import Outlook Notes
Import Outlook notes to OneNote selected section.
Related Documents
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- [2025-02-05] Release OneNote Batch for Mac (Replace Title)
- [2024-07-01] Release Gem Table for OneNote
- [2016-07-09] Release Evernote Batch (Sort To-Dos)
- [2016-08-27] Release Bring to Mac OneNote ( Safari and Chrome )