Using Markdown to Create LaTeX Image Equation for Android OneNote
2019-11-23 16:43
This is another One Markdown feature to create equation.
This type equation is an image display in OneNote, it is not the OneNote native equation.
This type equation is an image display in OneNote, it is not the OneNote native equation.
Android OneNote Still Cannot Display Equation
Android OneNote still cannot display native OneNote equation yet.
Android OneNote just display [Equation] when it find an OneNote equation.
Markdown Image LaTeX Equation
Append LaTeX equation end of To create a Markdown image.
Markdown Image Text Example:
Android OneNote still cannot display native OneNote equation yet.
Android OneNote just display [Equation] when it find an OneNote equation.
Markdown Image LaTeX Equation
Append LaTeX equation end of To create a Markdown image.
Markdown Image Text Example:
!}^{n}{(X_i - overline{X})^2})
Markdown -> One Markdown -> One Markdown Server -> PC OneNote -> Android OneNote
- Insert Markdown LaTeX image into "One Markdown".
- "One Markdown" will sync to PC "One Markdown Server".
- PC "One Markdown Server" will sync image to PC "OneNote".
- PC "OneNote" will sync the image to Android "OneNote".
- "Android OneNote" also display this equation image.
One Markdown Server and One Markdown for OneNote (Insider)
This features can only be displayed correctly under OneNote 32 Bit. Therefore, it is recommended to install OneNote 32 Bit.
One Markdown Server and One Markdown for OneNote (Insider)
This features can only be displayed correctly under OneNote 32 Bit. Therefore, it is recommended to install OneNote 32 Bit.
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