OneNote Gem Add-Ins

Fix One for Windows - Fix OneNote Login, Sync Tools

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A tool to fix Windows Office OneNote login, sync, relaunch problems.

Fix One Download

System: Windows
Free Tool
Unzip Password: 1


Fix OneNote Login, Sync Problems

  • Fix desktop version OneNote sync problem.
  • Fix free edition OneNote sync problem.
  • Fix OneNote UWP login failure problem.

Sometimes, it need to restart computer after click fix button.
Fix OneNote Login, Sync Problems

Detect Net

Check if your on-premises network can connect
This feature can only be used for inspection and does not provide a fix. That is, it cannot be repaired. This error is usually related to the geographic network.

Fix OneNote Relaunch Problems

  • Fix the "We're sorry. OneNote is cleaning up from the last time it was open. Please wait" problem when relaunch OneNote.
Fix OneNote Relaunch Problems

Monitor OneDrive, OneNote Server runtime status

Check the OneDrive, OneNote Server runtime status. To check the server is running or shutdown.

Gem and OneNote Issues and Solutions

List the known issues and solutions for Gem and OneNote.

Check OneNote Version

Check OneNote.exe version: 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 365, 2016 desktop UWP, 2021, 2024.

Enable Windows 10 UWP Loopback

Enable Windows 10 UWP loopback for OneNote UWP to use proxy and VPN services.
Help OneNote for Win10 (OneNote UWP) to using a regular proxy or VPN channel.

Enable Windows 10 to support UTF-8 encoding

Windows does not turn on UTF-8 encoding by default, this is a setting that allows Windows to support UTF-8.
Help to fix Asia-Word be garbled for some features of Gem Add-Ins.

Clear Office Remain Data

Office remains some data after uninstalled Office.
These data can sometimes affect the reinstallation of Office.
This feature is to remove the remaining waste from Office and help remove obstacles when you reinstall Office.


