OneNote Gem Add-Ins

How to Install OneMind for Mac OneNote?

Quit OneNote

Quit OneNote before install add-ins.
You must quit the add-ins also if you want to update the add-ins,


Download OneMind for Mac OneNote

Download OneMind for Mac OneNote from product web page:


Install OneMind for Mac OneNote


After download OneMind for Mac OneNote, click .pkg to install, Mac will pop up a security window refuse install the app. Then, click “OK” button.
Install OneMind for Mac OneNote

Force to Install OneMind

Open "System Preferences" -> "Security & Privacy" -> "General" tab -> "Allow apps downloaded from:" -> "OneMind-" was blocked from opening because it is not from an identified developer. -> Click "Open Anyway" button -> to install.
Force to Install OneMind
After complete install, it will run OneMind.

Elevate Permissions

After macOS 10.15, you need to elevate the permissions of
In macOS's System Preferences –> Security & Privacy –> Privacy –> Accessibility
Add the in the /Appliactions and check it to allow the app to control your computer.
After elevate permissions, it need to restart to apply the new permissions.
Elevate Permissions


Installing the Add-In Failure

If there is a problem with the installation, please contact our staff for support. Technical support
Download OneMind