Handwriting or Typing in iPad OneNote Keep Pop up "Please Wait …” and Circle
IPad OneNote often pop up "Please wait …" window when you write, and then turn around. Very affecting handwriting. What's the reason?
This is obviously OneNote in syncing.
This is caused by the OneNote synchronization mechanism.
When there are any changes on the OneNote page, OneNote syncs itself. IPad OneNote sometimes syncs and inexplicably pops up the "Please wait ..." sync window. This prevents writing from continuing.
When it's difficult to connect to a Microsoft server, there's a good chance it's going to happen.
Turn off automatic sync for OneNote and sync manually instead.
1. Click the option button in the upper right corner of the IPad OneNote.
2. In the Sync tab, turn off Auto Sync Attachments.
When you're done writing, enable it again.