OneNote Gem Add-Ins

EXE: Export a OneNote Section, Convert and Generate an ePub Ebook

OneNote Batch v58 add the ability to make e-book from OneNote.
Design a OneNote Section 
At first, create a section in OneNote.
For a novel, one chapter, one OneNote page.
You can then create a catalog outline (TOC) for these pages through the Gem for OneNote.
Arrange the order of the pages.
Design a OneNote Section for ePub
Build an ePub eBook with OneNote Batch 
Then, run OneNote Batch.
  1. In the ribbon, click “Save as ePub” in “Home” tab.
  2. In the notebook tree on the left, check a OneNote section to process.
  3. Finally, click the “Start” button on the right to start building the ePub eBook.
Build an ePub eBook with OneNote Batch
Open and Browse eBook with an ePub Reader
After “OneNote Batch” has generated the ePub eBook.
You can open the newly generated .epub file through the ePub reader (e.g. Calibre, Sumatra PDF Reader) to browse.
“OneNote Batch” can convert OneNote internal links to ePub internal links, so you can click the internal links and jump in the ePub reader between pages.

If your OneNote section has TOC or internal links, you can click and jump in the ePub browser also.
Open and Browse eBook with an ePub Reader
Export a OneNote Section, Convert and Generate an ePub Ebook
Download OneNote Batch