OneNote Gem Add-Ins

[2024-07-22] Release Gem for OneNote (Hide Page Tabs Pane)

[2024-07-22] Release Gem for OneNote (Hide Page Tabs Pane)

Hide Notebook Pane and Page Tabs Pane

View: Hide the notebook pane and page tab pane, keep the ribbon and get more space for drawing.

Slovenian Language

Add language: Slovenian

[2024-06-10] Release Gem for OneNote (Sub Tables Fit Column Width)

Sub tables Fit Column Width

Adjust the width of all child tables to the same as the column width of the parent table.


[2024-04-09] Release Gem for OneNote (2024)

Release Gem for OneNote 2024

[2024-01-01] Release Gem for OneNote (Calculate Mathematics Expression)

Calculate Mathematics Expression (Enhanced display of calculation results to 15 digits)

OneNote's calculated math expression, which appears as scientific notation when the result is greater than 8 digits.
This feature is used to enhance the ability to display the results of calculations to 15 digits.


[2023-11-01] Release Gem for OneNote

Seal Image Text

Improve to seal the printouts text.

Split Printouts

Fix a bug for OneNote v2309

Sort Page

Fix a bug.

View Image

Fix a bug.

Gem Fix Tool – Data Security

Add a new data security.

[2023-08-21] Release Gem for OneNote

Open Online Notebook

Improve to remember the login account

[2023-07-12] Release Gem for OneNote (Seal Images)

Seal Image Text

Seal text in images to prevent blurry and garbled characters on phone and tablet OneNote.


Quick Note Always on Top

When using New Quick Note in OneNote, the small window that displays Quick Notes is pinned on Windows desktop.


[2023-05-01] Release Gem for OneNote (Long View)

Long View Section

Similar to browsing a Word document, all pages in the current section are displayed in a long view for easy browsing.


Long View Page and Subpages

Similar to browsing a Word document, the current page and all its subpages are displayed in a long view for easy browsing.


Add Farsi – Persian language.


[2023-01-13] Release Gem for OneNote

Save as PDF (Infinite width)



[2022-11-08] Release Gem for OneNote


Open Online Notebook

Improve to support Microsoft new login protocol.

[2022-10-01] Release Gem for OneNote



Fix the error French name of week

Table Formula

Improve the date function read date from cell.

[2022-08-23] Release Gem for OneNote

Adjust Beyond Width

Fix a bug.

[2022-07-01] Release Gem for OneNote (Adjust Beyond Width)

Adjust Beyond Width

At first, select an image on the page, and then use the width of this image as the standard, and reduce the width to this standard width for all pictures in the page that exceed this width. The height of the image is scaled down.
Used to organize those pictures that are too big.

[2022-06-01] Release Gem for Onenote

LaTeX Equation

Improve to support in China.

Asian English Word Space

Fix bugs.


[2022-05-17] Release Gem for Onenote


Sentence case.

Asian English Word Space

Fix bugs.


[2022-05-14] Release Gem for Onenote

Asian English Word Space

Add a space between Asian word and English word.


[2021-10-16] Release Gem for Onenote

Improve OneMarkdown (inside) source highlight to support OneNote 2021

[2021-09-19] Release Gem for Onenote

New support OneNote 2021

[2021-08-03] Release Gem for Onenote

To-Do Tag List

Fix save To-Do tag list to .csv file bug.

Syntax Highlight

Improve to support OneNote version 2107 (Build 14228.20204 Click-to-Run).
OneNote 2107 has new bugs.

[2021-07-19] Release Gem for Onenote

Customize Image Size

When you adjust the width, the height is automatically adjusted proportionally. When you adjust the height, the width is automatically adjusted proportionally.


[2021-06-01] Release Gem for Onenote

Continue Numbering

Depending on the number of the paragraph above the selected paragraph, modify the number of the selected paragraphs to continue the number, instead of starting from 1.


Select All Inks

Select all inks in current OneNote page.

Show Style in “Review” Tab

These styles in “Review” tab can set to OneNote’s Quick Access Tool Bar (QAT).
You can use keyboard shortcut Alt+1, Alt+2, … for the styles after add them to QAT.

Count Current Table

Add: Show address of current cursor cell in table. For example: A1

Open Image

Add: support to open GIF image from OneNote page.

[2021-04-01] Release Gem for Onenote


Resize Single Image

10%, 20%, 30%, 40%

German Tanslate

v63.0 full german translate.

[2021-02-01] Release Gem for Onenote (Paragraph Link)

Copy Paragraph Web Edit Link

Copy editable web (Web OneNote, OneNote Online) hyperlink of current selected paragraph.

Copy Paragraph Web View Link

Copy web (Web OneNote, OneNote Online) view edit link of current selected paragraph.

Copy Paragraph Local Link

Copy local link of current selected paragraph. (onenote://)

New Shape

Acute triangle
Obtuse triangle


Speak selected text.

Page Title (Set Selected Paragraph as Page Title)

Add Page Title (Set Paragraph as Page Title) to Right-Click menu.
If you're lazy copying and pasting paragraphs from a page for the title of the page. You can use this lazy function.

Syntax Highlight

Fix disable spelling for code syntax highlight with border.

[2020-12-01] Release Gem for Onenote (Build Links)

Build Links

Depending on the link file, search Name in bulk in the current document, and then create a link to Value on Name.

Open Link Customize Folder

Link configuration folder can hold multiple link configuration files and are primarily used to support multiple languages.
Link configuration .txt file, each line contains the following format:
Such as en.txt files contain:
Gem for OneNote=
OneNote Batch=/a/addins/onenote-batch.html
Click “en” menu item, WordNote will search the keyword “Gem for OneNote” in current document, and then create link on it when found the keyword.

QR Code

Add: Generate QR Code for current OneNote page.
So you can quickly scan the QR code in computer with your phone, and make your phone's OneNote jump to the current OneNote page.

[2020-09-07] Release Gem for Onenote (LaTeX Native Equation)

LaTeX Equation

Easier to copy LaTeX equation from web pages into OneNote.
Request: Use $...$ or (...) or $$...$$ or [...] for LaTeX mathematics.
Example: $$x^{y^z}=(1+{\rm e}^x)^{-2xy^w}$$

Open Current Page as SideNote

Add "Open Current Page as SideNote" to the right-click menu of page pane.
Open the current OneNote page with a mini note (Mini OneNote window). Easy to view multiple OneNote pages at the same time.

Resize All Images

Improvements: Adjust the width of all pictures, and the height of each picture is adjusted as a percentage.

Verify Page

Strengthens the removal of OneNote page errors.

[2020-08-01] Release Gem for Onenote

[2020-07-23] Release Gem for Onenote

Protect Pages

Unprotect Pages

Fix bugs.

[2020-07-13] Release Gem for Onenote (Lyrics)


With the MP3 file, import the .lrc lyric track file and convert it to OneNote recognizable audio track.
Makes OneNote display the lyrics based on the track time when you play an MP3 song.
Make OneNote become a real song player with lyrics track.

Show Time

Change time format to [] from [hh:nn:ss];
Make OneNote fit for create MP3 .lrc file.

[2020-06-01] Release Gem for Onenote (A4 Frames)

Delete Objects Out of A4 Frames

In the process of using the A4 framework, if you are not careful
1. Enter spaces outside the A4 frame to create a hidden text container.
2. Or using a pen to accidentally click outside the A4 frame to create a small point that is difficult for the naked eye to see.
These unintentional actions can break the final print failure of the A4 frame. Affects the effect of using the A4 framework.
We have to use this feature to clear these little things outside the A4 frame. To keep the A4 frame working properly.

Insert Annual Calendar

Insert the full-year calendar for the specified year

Syntax Highlight

Bright theme
Darkness theme

Table of Content of Headings

Add collapsible TOC option.  (It need to use Gem’s Collapse / Expand features to collapse or expand the items of TOC)

Remove All Inks

Distribute Section

Distribute Pages

Crop Images

Fix a bug.

[2020-05-01] Release Gem for Onenote

Open Online Notebook

Support Open Notebook in Microsoft Personal Account, Microsoft School or Work Account, Microsoft Chinese School or Work Account, OneNote Personal Account

Crop Image

Fix a bug.

[2020-03-16] Release Gem for Onenote

Friendly Pages (Friendly Links)

Friendly pages is the OneNote pages have linked to current page.
Search these pages, and list these pages in cursor, and link back to them.

Open OneNote Notebook (url)

The OneNote notebook synced by the normal OneDrive client is a .url file that you can't open by double-clicking on this .url file.
Usage: In the OneDrive sync folder, right-click on the .url file of a OneNote notebook, and in the pop-up right-click menu, select "Send to" -> “Open OneNote Notebook (url)”, it will open the notebook by OneNote.

Crop Image

Support jpeg image

Table Formula

Add Date & Time style and calculate.
Add functions: Now(),Date(),Time(),Year(),Month(),Day(),Hour(),Minute(),Second()

Save Page as Word Document

Save Page as PDF

Fix a bug.

[2020-01-01] Release Gem for Onenote

Data Security
Check the known OneNote data security issues.
For example:
Enable auto backup notebooks.
Highlight Source Code Syntax
Add font family, font size

[2019-12-01] Release Gem for Onenote

Open Online Notebook (Gem Fix Tools)
Add “Open Online Notebook” in Gem Fix Tools.
This feature help to open the notebooks saved on for OneNote 2010, 2013, 2016.
If you cannot enter OneNote 2010, 2013, 2016 to open notebooks, you can use this feature to open OneNote notebooks.
Disable OneNote 2010 Upgrade Message Window
Fix some bugs.

[2019-10-01] Release Gem for OneNote (LaTeX)

Install LaTeX for OneNote
Install LaTeX for Click-to-Run OneNote 2016 (Like the Free Edition OneNote 2016).
How to install LaTeX for Click-to-Run OneNote 2016.

Installed Gem for OneNote 2016.
Run Gem Fix Tools from Windows Start Menu.
Click “Tools” tab in Gem Fix Tools.
In “Addition Tools” group -> click “Install LaTeX” button to install LaTeX.

Usage for LaTeX in OneNote

Press Alt+= to insert an equation box in OneNote page.
Input: TeX
Moreover, press space key, OneNote will clear the equation box, and the equation box starts entering the LaTeX input state.
Next, input the LaTeX, for example: ec{abc}
Next, press space, OneNote will convert it to

Tip: LaTeX just works in Click-to-Run OneNote 2016. LaTeX cannot works in OneNote 2010, 2013, and VOL OneNote 2016.
For Example: LaTeX can works in OneNote 2016 of Office 365 and Office 2019.

Open Online Notebook
This feature help to open the notebooks saved on Work or School account in OneNote 2010 and 2013.
If you cannot open the notebooks of Work or School account in OneNote 2010 or 2013, you can use this feature to open these notebooks.

Russia Language
New translate Russia language

[2019-08-01] Release Gem for OneNote (Repair OneNote)

Count Current Table (Current Table Information)
Show column count, row count, table width.

Repair OneNote
When OneNote has issues, follow the steps:

In Gem Fix Tools, go to “Tools” tab -> “Repair OneNote” button to fix the OneNote’s bugs.
Then, go to Windows Control Panel to repair Office. Steps: Windows Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Choose Office -> Change -> Repair.
Finally, restart computer.

Distribute Pages (Sync Cloned Pages)
Improve Distribute Pages feature, support check the sections of the cloned pages of the selected pages.
“Distribute Pages” feature can synchronize the cloned pages when change one of the cloned pages.

Fix Bus in Follow Features:

Check Boxes
Uncheck Boxes
Equation Shell

[2019-07-01] Release Gem for OneNote (Notebooks Renamed Information)

Remove One in Empty Paragraph Block
Remove one empty paragraph from empty paragraph block. A paragraph block is a group of multiple continue empty paragraphs.

Notebooks Information (Notebooks Renamed Information)
List all notebooks of current OneNote 2016, 2013, 2010.
You can check whether the notebook has renamed before from this list.

[2019-05-13] Release Gem for OneNote (MS Sticky Note)

Create Outlook Note and Microsoft Sticky Notes

Using whole or selection in current page to create an Outlook note and Microsoft Sticky Notes of Windows 10.

[2019-03-21] Release Gem for OneNote (Save as Infinite Width PDF)

Save Page as PDF (Infinite Width)
Save current page as infinite width PDF file.
Keep handwritings in any position (even beyond A4 paper) to PDF file.

Count Current Section
Improve to calculate the size of section of shared notebook.

Verify Page
Improve to check error 5.

Open Cloud Attachment
Improve to support Cloud Attachments in Works and School account.

Reset Outline Size
Fix lost image and attachment bug.

[2019-02-22] Release Gem for OneNote (Rotate Printouts)

Indent all Paragraphs First Line
Fix a bug.

[2019-02-19] Release Gem for OneNote

Crop & Rotate Printouts
Select one or multiple OneNote pages, and use this “Crop & Rotate Printouts” feature, Gem will display a printout, follow steps:

Use selection box (Dotted box) to select the part you wanted in printout.
Rotate & flip the printout.
Press Save button to handle all printouts on these pages based on the above actions.

Open Cloud File Attachment Link
This feature open the file saved in the sync folder of OneDrive.exe. It need you have login the OneDrive.exe and synchronized the files completely.
“Cloud File Attachment Link” is created by OneNote for Windows 10 (UWP).
“Cloud File Attachment Link” starts string:
“Cloud File Attachment Link” is created when you use “Insert” tab -> “File” feature in OneNote for Windows 10 (UWP).
This feature is designed to be compatible with the "Cloud File Attachment" of the OneNote UWP.
It can open and edit the file in “OneNote Uploads” folder in local OneDrive sync folder directly from OneNote.
Follow steps to open Cloud File Attachment:

Use mouse right click on a “Cloud File Attachment Link”.
On the right click menu, click “Open Web Link With” menu -> “ONEDRIVE.EXE” menu item.

This allows you to use the local software to open the files in “OneNote Uploads” in sync folder of your local OneDrive.exe for editing.

Table Formula
Add “Cell Addr.” Button to get current cell address.

[2018-01-05] Release Gem for OneNote (Ruler)

Replace Page Date Time with Outlook Item Date Time
Using date & time of current Outlook item to replace date & time of current OneNote page.

[2018-12-21] Release Gem for OneNote

Provides horizontal and vertical rulers.
Support menu items for ruler:

New Ruler: create multiple rulers.
Vertical Ruler: convert horizontal ruler to vertical ruler.
Hide All: hide all rulers. Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+R
Show All: show all hided rulers. Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+R.
Close: close current ruler.
Close All: close all rulers.
Horizontal Ruler: convert current ruler to horizontal from vertical.
Scale from Top to Bottom: convert scale from top:0 to bottom:1000
Scale from Bottom to Top: convert scale from bottom:0 to top:1000

[2018-11-13] Release Gem for OneNote (Convert Page to PPT)

Convert Page to PPT (PowerPoint Presentation)
Convert current OneNote page to PowerPoint presentation.

Split OneNote heading 1 to PowerPoint slides.
Save OneNote heading 1 to PowerPoint slide title.
Convert the paragraphs below the heading 1 to PowerPoint text boxes.

Convert all Empty Headings Paragraphs to Normal Text
Convert all empty paragraphs of headings to normal text.

Remove all Empty Headings Paragraphs
Remove all empty headings paragraphs in current page.

Save as Word Document
Add convert To-Do tags to WordNote’s checkboxes.

[2018-10-26] Release Gem for OneNote (R, Swift Highlight)


Verify Page
Fix new OneNote bugs.

[2018-10-10] Release Gem for OneNote

Check To-Do Tags
Check selected or all To-Do tags in current page.

Save As Word Document
Improve to append attachments of OneNote page to Word Document.
Convert Gem’s Keyword Tags to WordNote’s Tags.

Source Code Highlight
New support R, Swift languages.

[2018-08-07] Release Gem for OneNote (Protect Pages)

Add New Features:

Protect Pages
Using password to protect selected pages. ( Not support the pages with attach files. )

Image Table
Select images from local disk, and list them as a table into current OneNote page.

First column display image.
Second column display filename.

[2018-07-01] Release Gem for OneNote (Floating Pens Bar)

New Features:

Protect Pages
Using password to protect selected pages. ( Not support the pages with attach files. )

[2018-05-15] Release Gem for OneNote

New Features:

Shield for Math Equation
Create shields for all math equations in current OneNote page, prevent OneNote change the math equation anywhere.

Float Pen Bar
Float pen bar for ink styles, help to drawing on full page view.
It need to move drawing pens or highlighter pens to start of Quick Access Toolbar at first,

[2018-04-03] Release Gem for OneNote (Link Each Other)

Add New Features:
Link Each Other
Link the pages or sentences each other.
Specify a page or a sentence as "Each Part", and specify another page or sentence as "Other Part", it will create links for them to link them each other. These links help jump them one another.

Replace Page Title
Using selected paragraph to replace text of page title.
Set page title as selected text.

Content Control - Command Button (Run .vbs File in Page)
Create a content command button to run a .vbs file. Click content command button, it will find the .vbs attach file in current page by file name, and run the .vbs.

GemControls.exe 2.0

Add: Response the option (radio) group.
Add: Response the command button.

[2018-02-20] Release Gem for OneNote (Content Controls Installer)


Gem Content Controls Installer
Add "Gem Content Controls Installer" in to the page which has form with Gem Content Controls. Installer help the users view the form without installed "Gem for OneNote", and help response to fill the form.

Other users can click the "GemControls.exe" to install Gem Content Controls, with the controls, the users can fill your form with content controls.

Add "Parent Page" Label for Subpage
View a OneNote subpage, using this feature to add a "Parent Page" label on this subpage. Click the "Parent page", it will jump to parent page of this subpage.

New Shapes
Add right trapezoid shape.


Create Subpages by Selected Paragraphs
Add: add "Parent Page" label into subpage when create subpages by selected paragraphs. It help jump to parent page quickly.

Increase Font Size
Decrease Font Size
Improve: increase or decrease selection font size.


Remove All Empty Paragraphs
Fix error when the page has empty title.

Fix phonetic cannot work for some language.

[2018-01-01] Release Gem for OneNote (New Shapes)

Insert New Shapes

Right triangle

Table of Contents of Headings Options
Add options window for table of contents, append "Top of Page" label on heading paragraphs, help to jump to top of page quickly, append "Top of Page" on heading 1 paragraphs.

Remove OneNote Sign In Limited Options
Gem Fix Tools: Remove the limit of Sign In "Work or School Account" of OneNote, restore OneNote can sign in "Microsoft Personal Account"

Open OneNote Cache Folder
Gem Fix Tools: open OneNote cache folder to clean the OneNote cache files.

Improve PDF Comment

Add 2/3 split screen option.
Enlarge the PDF Viewer to 2/3 screen width.
Fit for OneNote Full Page View.
Improve to fit for full page view.

Improve Save Page as PDF and DOC File
Keep page background when save page as PDF or Doc File.

[2017-11-07] Release Gem for OneNote (Save Page as PDF with Bookmarks)


Improve "Verify Page" feature to fix another page issue.


Fix "Save Page as Word Document"
Fix "save Page as PDF"

[2017-11-01] Release Gem for OneNote

Remove all Empty Paragraphs
Delete all empty paragraphs in current page.

Open Image
Open current image as Microsoft Paint.

Save Page as Word Document
Save current page as Word document, and convert OneNote Headings to Word Headings.

Save Page as PDF File
Save current page as PDF file, and convert OneNote Headings to PDF Bookmarks.

Delete Distribute Sections

Delete sections which has same name as current section in target notebooks.
Delete pages of sections which has same name as current section in target notebooks.

Cornell Note Template
Add a new template named Cornell Note.

Run OneNote.exe at Windows start
In Gem Fix Tool, add a check box - Run OneNote.exe at Windows start.

Select Paragraphs
Specify begin string and end string to select paragraphs

Distribute Sections

If target notebook has not these sections, create them.
If target notebook has exists these sections, replace the pages.


Fix "Open Web Link With" feature.
Fix Quick Style, Apply Heading style bug.
Fix Email by Outlook don't support image bug.
Fix Table shapes in Email by Outlook.
Fix Crop Image, save image as original size.

[2017-09-02] Release Gem for OneNote (Recovery OCR Paragraphs)

Set Notebooks Read-Only
Choose notebooks, and set read-only by one click. This feature use for LOCAL notebooks only.

Set Notebooks Editable
Choose notebooks, and set editable from read-only by one click. This feature use for LOCAL notebooks only.

Merge OCR Words as Paragraphs, Merge scattered Words and restore to paragraphs
Merge OCR text, recovery the text as paragraphs.

Copy Selected Cells
Copy selected cells from a table, for replace selected cells in another table.

Paste and Replace Selected Cells
Paste and replace text in selected cells. Please use "Copy" cells from other table at first.

Add Slovenia Language
Gem for OneNote support Slovenia language

[2017-08-03] Release Gem for OneNote (Move To Do or Tags to Another Page)

Add Features:
Use Skills
Go to Gem for OneNote use skills web page.

Fix layout selected paragraphs to horizontal.
Fix Phonetic for French, Japanese.

[2017-07-22] Release Gem for OneNote

Add Features:
Reset container size.
If you have resized the container size, OneNote don't provide reset the container size.
This feature can reset the container size to default size.

Open Web Link With
Open selected web link by Edge, Chrome, Firefox or IE.
Right click on a web link in current OneNote page, on pop up context menu, choose Edge, Chrome, Firefox or IE to open the web link.


Improve Password Protect Notebook to support large notebook.

[2017-07-07] Release Gem for OneNote

Add Features:
Move To Do or Tags to Another Page
Quickly move selected paragraphs with to do or tags to specify page.


Improve Insert Calendar

Fix Tile 2 OneNote Pages Vertical bug.

[2017-05-01] Release Gem for OneNote (One Markdown Inside)

Select Paragraphs
Select paragraphs by Length, search and select paragraphs.

Add A4 Letter Page
Add A4 letter pages

[2017-04-01] Release Gem for OneNote

One Markdown (Inside)

One Markdown Editor inside OneNote. Create and modify markdown text, and convert the markdown text to normal OneNote text.
For example:

Markdown hyperlink to OneNote hyperlink
Markdown headings to OneNote headings.
Markdown numberings and bullets to OneNote numberings and bullets.
Markdown images to OneNote images.

Template Fields

<> Year field, example: 2017, 2018 ….
<> Month field, example: 02, 03, 10 …
<> Day field, example: 05, 12, 30 …
<> Month name field, displays the month as a full name (January - December)
<> Week day name, displays the day as a full name (Sunday-Saturday)

Convert Fields to Result
Convert all fields to result in current page.

Show Time (Video & Audio)
Fix to support hour.

[2017-02-01] Release Gem for OneNote v38.1.0.235 (New Table Formula)


Table formula comparison operator: <> (Not equal to)


Table Formula function: MOD

[2017-01-14] Release Gem for OneNote v38.0.0.234

Sort Pages by Title Number
Sort By 0 to 10
Sort pages by title, according number in title, from 0 to 100.

Sort By 10 to 0
Sort pages by title, according number in title, from 100 down to 0.

Sort Sections by Name Number
Sort By 0 to 10
Sort sections by name, according number in name, from 0 to 100.

Sort By 10 to 0
Sort sections by name, according number in name, from 100 down to 0.

Sort Notebooks by Name Number
Sort By 0 to 10
Sort notebooks by name, according number in name, from 0 to 100.

Sort By 10 to 0
Sort notebooks by name, according number in name, from 100 down to 0.

Object Position and Size
Setting selected object (Outline, Printout, Image, Drawings …) position and size.

Customize Image Size
Batch change selected images by customize size.

Restore Outline Image
If you have resize the image inside outline, this feature restore the selected image to fit for outline.


Table Formula
Create complex formula for OneNote native table.
Formula like Excel, it include functions:
'ADD', 'SUB', 'ABS', 'AND', 'AVERAGE', 'COUNT', 'IF', 'INT', 'MAX', 'MIN', 'MOD', 'NOT', 'OR', 'PRODUCT', 'ROUND', 'SIGN', 'SUM', 'DIV'
Apply a formula to selected cells, it will auto increase the address of cells fit for formula.

Create and edit formula for selected cells.

Delete Formula
Delete selected formula from selected cells.

Formula Cells
Select all cells which have formula.

Recalculate all formula in table.

Table Cell Style

Comma with fraction
Currency with cent

[2016-11-27] Release Gem for OneNote (Gantt)

Gantt Project Planner
Create a Gantt Project Planner, Refresh the Gantt.

Convert Paragraph Break to Line Break
Convert selected paragraphs (Enter) to lines (Shift+Enter), and put this lines to a paragraph.

Convert Line Break to Paragraph Break
Convert selected lines (Shift+Enter) to paragraphs (Enter).

Customize Headings
Customize yourself headings, specify font, size, color, bold, italic.

Select Headings
Select all headings in current page by one click.

Select Empty Paragraphs
Select all empty paragraphs in current page by one click.

Save Linked Note Thumbnail As
Export a Linked Note thumbnail as a .PNG file.
Right click on an ANCHOR icon, click on "Save Thumbnail As" to save Linked Note Thumbnail as a .PNG file.

Open Link as Side Note
Open OneNote Link ( a hyperlink start with "onenote:" ) as Side Note.
Right click on an OneNote Link which its hyperlink start with "onenote:", on pop up context menu, click "Open Link as Side Note" to open OneNote Link as side note.

[2016-10-21] Release Gem for OneNote (Email Current Section)

Fix "PDF Comment" to support Adobe Acrobat Pro

[2016-10-07] Release Gem for OneNote

Show Audio and Video Playback Time
Add the playback time in front of audio or video paragraphs. After you take notes for audio or video, this feature help show you playback time of these notes.

Insert "Top of the Page" Label
Insert "Top of the Page" label into current cursor in Page. "Top of the Page" label help jump to top of the page quickly.

Insert Heading Label
Insert heading label into current cursor in page. Heading Labels have a hyperlink with its heading paragraphs. They help jump to heading paragraph quickly from anywhere.

Email Current Section
Create a new Outlook email, append current section as attachment into this email.

Outlook Auto Text
Using OneNote as Outlook Auto Text.

At first, in Outlook, Create a new message or Reply a message with a pop up window (named inspector).
Then put the cursor in where you want to insert text in the Outlook message.
Return back to OneNote, click this feature "Auto Text".
Gem will put the current OneNote page content into the Outlook message cursor position.

Redo Last Action
Redo the last action of Gem. Quickly do the last action of Gem.
This command also be shown on Quick Access Toolbar.

Default Online Notebook Settings
Navigate to "Save emails to OneNote" web page of to set the default notebook.
Choose the default notebook and section your emails will be saved to.

Share Notification Settings
Navigate to "Notification Settings" web page of to set receive email notifications when other people make changes to the online notebooks.

[2016-09-08] Release Gem for OneNote ( View & Annotate PDF Attach File )

Add New Features:
Specifies Chapter Printouts
Select a printout at first, click this feature to specifies this printout as the start page of a chapter of PDF. After specified all the start page of chapter, using "Horizontal Arrange Chapters" to arrange chapters of PDF.

Horizontal Arrange Chapter Printouts
You need to using "Specifies Chapters" feature to specified the start page of chapters of PDF, and use this feature to horizontal arrange all the chapters.

[2016-09-03] Release Gem for OneNote

Add Features:

Horizontal Arrange Selection

Horizontal arrange selected printouts.

Vertical Arrange Selection

Vertical arrange selected printouts.

Browse and Comment PDF Attach File

Browser a PDF attach file inside of OneNote
make comment for current view PDF page.
Automatic scroll to its PDF page when click on a comment in OneNote page.
Automatic scroll to its comment in OneNote page when view a PDF page.
Don't need Printouts to make comment for a PDF page.

Remove Extra Empty Paragraphs
Remove extra empty paragraphs in current page. This feature will keep 1 empty paragraph when it find continue paragraphs are empty.

Change All Sections Color by Notebook Color
Change all sections color of current notebook, change all sections color by current notebook color.

Same Section Name Same Color
Change section color according section name.
If you have multiple sections which have same name in a notebook, this feature pick up first section color, and change other same name sections to this color.

Indent all Paragraphs First Line
Indent first line of all paragraph in current page.

Distribute Pages
Add: Re-Distribute Pages, replace pages if they are exits.

[2016-08-06] Release Gem for OneNote (Password Protect Notebooks)

Password Protect Current Notebook
Using password to protect current notebook (local notebook only) by one click.
Password Protect Current Notebook also be shown on notebook right click menu.

Password Unprotect Current Notebook
Using password to unprotect current notebook (local notebook only) by one click.

Password Protect Local Notebooks
Using password to protect all local notebooks by one click.

Password Unprotect Local Notebooks
Using password to protect all local notebooks by one click.

Distribute Pages
Distribute selected pages.
Select some pages in current section, and click this feature, will pop up a section tree window to help you choose which sections to clone these pages.

Delete Distributed Pages
Choose to delete the distributed pages.
Select some distributed pages in current section, and click this feature, will pop up a window list all related distributed pages with these pages. You can choose which pages to delete.

Distribute Section
Distribute current section.
Click this feature, it will pop up a notebook tree window to help you choose which notebooks and section groups to clone the current section.

Clip Notebook Web Edit Link
Copy web edit link of current notebook to clipboard.

Clip Notebook Web View Link
Copy web view link of current notebook to clipboard.

Clip Section Group Web Edit Link
Copy web edit link of current section group to clipboard.

Clip Section Group Web View Link
Copy web view link of current section group to clipboard.

Clip Section Web Edit Link
Copy web edit link of current section to clipboard.

Clip Section Web View Link
Copy web view link of current section to clipboard.

Clip Page Web Edit Link
Copy web edit link of current page to clipboard.

Clip Page Web View Link
Copy web view link of current page to clipboard.

Dutch, French, Italian, Japanese, Korea, Portuguese, Russian

Dim Uncompleted Tags
Dim all uncompleted tags in current page.

Undim Uncompleted Tags
Undim all uncompleted tags in current page.

Syntax Highlight
Add new option: Disable check spelling

[2016-06-01] Release Gem for OneNote ( Tile 2 Pages)


Random slip show pages
Random display pages, this help you to learn language words.

Tile 2 Pages Horizontally
Select 2 pages, click Tile Horizontal, Gem will open these 2 pages in 2 OneNote windows, and tile them in screen horizontally, makes comparing them easier.

Tile 2 Pages Vertically
Select 2 pages, click Tile Vertical, Gem will open these 2 pages in 2 OneNote windows, and tile them in screen horizontally, makes comparing them easier.

Count Current Page
Add count Words, Non-Asian Words, Asian Words.
Add count selection.

Add Portrait A4 Page
Add a portrait A4 page in current OneNote page.

Add Landscape A4 Page
Add a landscape page in current OneNote page.

Show All A4 Page Frames
Show all frames of A4 pages in current OneNote page, help us easy to write in limit A4 pages.

Hide All A4 Page Frames
Hide all frames of A4 pages in current OneNote page, help to print without frames.

[2016-04-04] Release Gem for OneNote (Mass Email)

Insert ruby text after a selected word to clarify its pronunciation. Support word of Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese.

Open a Windows Folder as OneNote Notebook ( Windows Folder Right Click Menu )
Add a menu item "Open as OneNote Notebook" on Windows folder right click menu.
Click on "Open as OneNote Notebook", OneNote will open this windows folder as a notebook.

Sentence Case
Capitalizing the first word in a sentence.

Copy All Highlight Text to Clipboard
Copy all highlight text as plain text in current page to clipboard.

New Page for All Highlight Text
Create a new page, pick up all highlight text in current page, and save them into the new page.

Mass Email
Merge current page fields with a .csv file, and mass send Emails according this .csv file.

Table Cell Style - Scientific Notation
Using scientific notation E-Notation to format cell number.

New Email Page, Reply Page, Reply Page on Top
Update to can append attachment from OneNote page.


"Markdown", pars Backslash Escape. , `, *, _, {, }, [, ], (, ), #, +, -, ., !
"Markdown", pars quote text with ">"
"Markdown', pars To-Do, [x] and [ ]

Scanned Image
Update to save multiple scanned images into an OneNote page.

Radio Button Control
Fix create radio button for parent paragraph when the parent paragraph hasn't been selected.